Mahashivratri 2024: Date, Auspicious time, and Importance Information

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The holy festival of Mahashivratri is about to come. It is one of the most major festivals of Hindu religion. This great festival symbolizes the beliefs related to Lord Shiva and his goddess Parvati. On this day devotees observe fast and worship Lord Shiva with full devotion. Pleased with this, God showers special blessings on his devotees. So come, let us know the date, importance, story and worship method of Mahashivratri 2024 and other important information related to it.

Date and auspicious time of Mahashivratri 2024:


  • According to the Hindu calendar, Mahashivratri 2024 will be celebrated on the Chaturdashi date of Krishna Paksha of Phalgun month.
  • This date will start at 9:57 PM on March 8, 2024 and end at 6:17 PM on March 9, 2024.
  • Since the date starts at night on 8th March, the fast and puja of Mahashivratri will be performed on 8th March 2024 only.

Auspicious time:

  • Nishith Kaal Puja Muhurat:  12:07 AM to 12:55 AM, 9 March 2024
  • First Hour:  6:25 PM to 9:28 PM, 8 March 2024
  • Second Hour:  9:28 PM to 12:31 AM, March 9, 2024
  • Third Prahar:  12:31 AM to 3:34 AM, March 9, 2024
  • Fourth Prahar:  3:34 AM to 6:37 AM, March 9, 2024

Importance of Mahashivratri

Mythological significance:

  • Shiva-Parvati Marriage: The festival of Mahashivratri marks the reunion of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is believed that their marriage took place on this auspicious day. This divine union symbolizes maintaining harmony between creation and destruction, Purusha and Prakriti.
  • Story of Samudra Manthan: According to mythology, gods and demons churned the ocean to obtain the nectar of immortality. During the churning, poison (Halahala) came out, threatening the lives of all the gods and demons. Lord Shiva protected the universe by consuming that poison. It is believed that his compassion was displayed on the day of Mahashivratri itself.

Spiritual Importance:

  • Day of Self-Awareness: Devotees learn to control their mind through fasting and night vigil on the day of Mahashivratri. Shiva is the lord of yoga and meditation, so this festival associated with him provides a great opportunity to focus on spiritual growth and inner journey.
  • Victory over sensual disorders: Mahashivratri inspires the devotees to overcome negative powers like lust, anger, greed, attachment etc. and adopt restraint in life.
  • End of difficulties: Shiva is the god of destruction. His worship destroys the troubles of life and by his grace the devotees attain fearlessness.

Other Importance

  • Auspicious occasion for marriage: Mahashivratri is considered very auspicious. If an unmarried girl worships Lord Shiva on this day, she gets her desired groom. On this day, Mother Parvati pleased Lord Shiva with her penance and fasting and married him.
  • Door to attain salvation: It is believed that the devotees who observe Shivratri fast and worship with true heart and in the right manner attain salvation after death.

Mahashivratri is a festival of devotion, introspection, and positivity. This is a holy occasion for the infusion of peace, auspiciousness and divine energy in everyone’s life.

Story of Mahashivratri

Here two main stories related to Mahashivratri are presented. You can include these as per your requirement:

Tale 1: The Hunter’s Tale

  • Once a hunter named Chitrabhanu was hunting animals in the forest. On the way he saw a pond, and he stopped to quench his thirst.
  • There was a vine tree nearby, and the hunter climbed it to take shelter. Coincidentally, there was a Shivalinga just below the Bel tree, which was covered with Bilva leaves. The hunter did not know about him.
  • Night started to fall and the hunter became distraught with hunger and thirst. To pass the time, he started plucking vine leaves and throwing them down, and those leaves started falling on Shivalinga.
  • It was the day of Shivratri. The hunter sat on the tree the whole night and unknowingly kept offering Belpatra to Shivalinga, and at the same time Jagran was also achieved. In this way he unknowingly completed the Shivratri fast and worship of Lord Shiva.
  • Early in the morning, a pregnant deer came to the pond to drink water. As soon as the hunter put an arrow on his bow, the deer’s gaze fell on him and she said, “I am pregnant, after some time I will give birth to a child and then I will become your prey. I promise”.
  • The hunter showed mercy and let the deer go. After some time, another deer came out from there. As soon as she saw the hunter, she also said that he should not be killed yet because his children were waiting for him in the forest. The hunter let him go as well
  • After some time, a deer came and also asked for the bounty of his life from the hunter to take care of his children. The hunter showed mercy and sacrificed his life too.
  • When the entire deer family reached there along with the deer, the hunter’s heart sank. He threw away all his weapons and sat in a corner. When the deer family left from there, the hunter came down from the vine tree. His thumbs were scratched due to plucking the vine leaves and were bleeding. Unknowingly, drops of his blood had also fallen on the Shivalinga.
  • Lord Shiva became pleased with the hunter by this unknowing worship and recitation of non-violence and appeared before him. He provided salvation to the hunter.

Story 2: Shiva-Parvati Marriage

  • According to another belief, Mahashivratri is the holy date when Lord Shiva got married to Mother Parvati. Goddess Parvati was born to Himavat (King of the Himalayas) and Queen Maina. After the self-immolation of Goddess Sati, Sati was reborn as Parvati.
  • Mother Parvati pleased Lord Shiva by doing severe penance and asked for the boon of marriage. Lord Shiva was pleased and got married to Goddess Parvati on the holy day of Mahashivratri. This union of Shakti and Shiva was considered auspicious and savior for the entire universe.

Mahashivratri puja material:

Some important materials are required for the worship of Lord Shiva on the holy festival of Mahashivratri.

Main Pujan Samagri:

  • Shivalinga:  Shivalinga is the main material for worship. Shivling can be of black marble, brass, silver, or panchdhatu.
  • Belpatra:  Belpatra is very dear to Lord Shiva.
  • Betel:  Betel leaves are used in puja along with betel nut, cloves, cardamom, and camphor.
  • Milk:  Shivalinga is anointed with milk.
  • Ganga water:  Shivalinga is anointed with Ganga water.
  • Incense:  Fragrance is offered to Lord Shiva by burning incense.
  • Deep:  Light is offered to Lord Shiva by lighting a lamp.
  • Fruits:  Fruits are offered according to the season.
  • Flowers:  Various types of flowers are offered to Lord Shiva, such as rose, jasmine, mogra, etc.
  • Naivedya:  Sweets, fruits, etc. are offered as Prasad.
  • Bhasma:  Bhasma is very dear to Lord Shiva.
  • Sandalwood:  Sandalwood tilak is applied on Shivalinga.
  • Rudraksh:  Shiva Mantra is chanted with Rudraksh rosary.
  • Clothes:  New clothes are offered to Lord Shiva.

Other Pujan Samagri:

  • Barley:  Shivalinga is anointed with barley.
  • Honey:  Shivalinga is anointed with honey.
  • Ghee:  Lamps are lit with ghee.
  • Curd:  Shivlinga is anointed with curd.
  • Sugar:  Shivalinga is anointed with sugar.
  • Cannabis:  Cannabis is very dear to Lord Shiva.
  • Dhatura:  Dhatura is very dear to Lord Shiva.
  • Mauli:  Shivalinga is decorated with Mauli.
  • Roli:  Shivlinga is vaccinated with Roli.
  • Akshat:  Akshat is offered to Lord Shiva.
  • Cardamom:  Cardamom is offered in betel leaf along with betel nut and cloves.
  • Betel nut:  Betel nut is offered in betel leaf along with cardamom and cloves.
  • Clove:  Clove is offered in betel leaf along with betel nut and cardamom.
  • Camphor:  Camphor is used for burning incense.

Note: This is only a general list. You can change the content as per your convenience and requirement.

Mahashivratri fast and worship method

  • On this day, devotees wake up early in the morning and take bath at the temple or home.
  • Flowers, fruits, belpatra, hemp, datura etc. are collected for worship.
  • Shivalinga is anointed with water, milk, curd, honey, ghee, perfume etc.
  • Jagran is held at night and aarti of Lord Shiva is also performed.
  • Some devotees observe waterless fast during Mahashivratri fast but most of the devotees consume fruits, milk etc.
  • The next day the devotees break their fast.

Rules for fasting on Mahashivratri 2024:

  • Devotees observing fast on this day should take a bath before sunrise and resolve to fast.
  • Only fruits, milk, and water can be consumed during the fast.
  • Lying, anger, and wrong thoughts should be avoided during the fast.
  • One should keep vigil throughout the night and worship Lord Shiva.

Preparations for Mahashivratri 2024:

  • Clean the house before Mahashivratri.
  • Buy puja materials in advance.
  • Devotees observing the fast should be prepared to follow the rules of the fast.

Also keep in mind:

  • Special events are organized in many temples on Mahashivratri 2024.
  • You can worship Lord Shiva by going to any temple as per your convenience.

Success Stories of Devotees

  • Kajal’s story: Kajal had been married for many years but she was not getting the happiness of a child. On one Mahashivratri he fasted and worshiped with true heart. The next year he was blessed with a son, Ratna, and his life was filled with happiness.
  • Changed life of Ramesh: Ramesh had fallen into bad company and drug addiction was leading him to ruin. On one Mahashivratri, he prayed to Lord Shiva to free him from his bad habits. Within the next few months, he got help from an NGO and gradually his life changed.

Important things related to Mahashivratri

  • Mahashivratri is also considered fruitful for auspicious marriage. If there is any delay or obstacle in your marriage or you are not getting a partner as per your wish, then observe a fast on this day with a true heart and worship Lord Shiva.
  • It is believed that Mother Parvati also observed a fast on Mahashivratri to get Mahadev as her desired groom.
  • Lord Shiva is very fond of Belpatra, hence Belpatra must be offered in his worship.

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