Havan-Yagya Prayer: Respected Lord Our

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Havan Prarthana

Havan Prarthana:

Hello Friends! Today we will discuss a very important topic – Havan Prarthana and its powerful prayer “Poojniya Prabho Hamare”. Havan is a sacred ritual that dates back to the Vedic period. Let us try to know in detail the importance of Havan and the depth of our holy prayer!

Prayer of “Reverend Lord our…”

पूजनीय प्रभो हमारे,
भाव उज्जवल कीजिये ।
छोड़ देवें छल कपट को,
मानसिक बल दीजिये ॥ १॥वेद की बोलें ऋचाएं,
सत्य को धारण करें ।
हर्ष में हो मग्न सारे,
शोक-सागर से तरें ॥ २॥

अश्व्मेधादिक रचायें,
यज्ञ पर-उपकार को ।
धर्मं- मर्यादा चलाकर,
लाभ दें संसार को ॥ ३॥

नित्य श्रद्धा-भक्ति से,
यज्ञादि हम करते रहें ।
रोग-पीड़ित विश्व के,
संताप सब हरतें रहें ॥ ४॥

भावना मिट जाये मन से,
पाप अत्याचार की ।
कामनाएं पूर्ण होवें,
यज्ञ से नर-नारि की ॥ ५॥

लाभकारी हो हवन,
हर जीवधारी के लिए ।
वायु जल सर्वत्र हों,
शुभ गंध को धारण किये ॥ ६॥

स्वार्थ-भाव मिटे हमारा,
प्रेम-पथ विस्तार हो ।
‘इदं न मम’ का सार्थक,
प्रत्येक में व्यवहार हो ॥ ७॥

प्रेमरस में मग्न होकर,
वंदना हम कर रहे ।
‘नाथ’ करुणारूप ! करुणा,
आपकी सब पर रहे ॥ ८॥

What is Havan Yagya?

Havan, also known as Yagya, is a Vedic ritual in which offerings of special materials are offered to the gods and goddesses in a sacred fire. Mantras are also chanted along with these. The main objective of Havan is to transmit positive energy, purify the environment, and receive blessings from the Gods and Goddesses.

Importance of Havan Yagya

  • Spiritual upliftment:  Havan uplifts our soul and connects us with divine powers.
  • Purification of the environment:  The smoke generated from the materials used in Havan purifies the environment and removes negativity.
  • Peace of mind:  Presence of sacred mantras and fire calms the mind, gives concentration and positivity.
  • Wish Fulfillment:  It is believed that Havan performed with a pure heart fulfills the wishes.

Sacrificial fire material

  • Havan Kund:  A special place for fire.
  • Mango wood:  Main wood for burning in havan.
  • Havan material:  Ghee, rice, barley, sesame, herbs, etc.
  • Pure water, coconut, flowers, fruits etc.

Method of Havan-Yagya (simple form)

  1. Purify the Havan Kund and light the fire in it with mango wood.
  2. Invoking the Gods, offer havan material by saying “Om Swaha”.
  3. Chant the prayer “Holy Lord our…” and other mantras.
  4. Perform Aarti after completion of Havan.

Types of havan

There are many types of havans performed for different rituals, wishes and occasions, some of the major ones are:

  • Navgraha Havan
  • Rudra Havan
  • Ganesh Havan
  • Mahamrityunjay Havan

Havan and modern science

The interesting thing is that now even science has started accepting the benefits of Havan. The smoke emanating from the materials of Havan has been found to destroy germs. Besides, Havan also has a good effect on our positivity and mental health.

Stories of devotees related to Havan Prarthana

Over the centuries, innumerable stories of the miracles of Havan-Yagya have been narrated by devotees. Some people share experiences like recovery from serious illnesses, unexpected success in life, ending of family disputes. These stories are witness to the power of Havan-Yagya.

Benefits of Havan Prarthana

  1. Psychological benefits:  Chanting and ritual have a powerful effect of increasing concentration and reducing stress.
  2. Protection of the environment:  Havan destroys harmful germs and purifies the air, which is beneficial for health.
  3. Agricultural Benefits:  Havan ash is rich in nutrients which acts as a natural fertilizer.
  4. Spiritual progress:  Havan is a medium to connect with God. This develops compassion, dedication and selflessness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Havan Prarthana

  • Can Havan be performed at home? Yes, small havan can be done at home also. However, for larger rituals, help from the priest is necessary.
  • What is the most important thing in Havan? The spirit of Havan and pure resolve are extremely important. Do it with devotion, not just for show.
  • Should any precautions be taken during Havan? Keep children and pets away from the Havan Kund. Also, offer the havan material into the fire carefully.
  • How many times can Havan be performed? Small havan can be organized regularly and big havan can be organized on special occasions.


Friends, according to the scriptures, Havan-Yagya is the path to positivity, spiritual development and prosperity. Come, let us experience the many benefits of this Vedic tradition and the power of the divine prayer “Worshipped Lord Ours…” even in modern life.

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Thank you!

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