Chitragupta Chalisa: Divine Praise of the Great Accountant

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Chitragupta Chalisa


Hello Friends! Today we will learn about a God who keeps track of our every action and plays an important role in the final judgment. I am talking about Lord Chitragupta – the god of justice and action in Hinduism. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the Chitragupta Chalisa, highlight its significance and consider the benefits of this powerful prayer.

In Hindu mythology, Chitragupta is considered the main assistant of Yamraj (god of death). His divine duty is to keep records of the good and bad deeds of all beings. After death, it is this writing that determines the next journey of one’s soul. People of Kayastha community especially consider Chitragupta ji as their family deity.

Chitragupta Chalisa

॥ दोहा ॥
सुमिर चित्रगुप्त ईश को, सतत नवाऊ शीश।
ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश सह, रिनिहा भए जगदीश॥
करो कृपा करिवर वदन, जो सरशुती सहाय।
चित्रगुप्त जस विमलयश, वंदन गुरूपद लाय॥॥ चौपाई ॥
जय चित्रगुप्त ज्ञान रत्नाकर।
जय यमेश दिगंत उजागर॥

अज सहाय अवतरेउ गुसांई।
कीन्हेउ काज ब्रम्ह कीनाई॥

श्रृष्टि सृजनहित अजमन जांचा।
भांति-भांति के जीवन राचा॥

अज की रचना मानव संदर।
मानव मति अज होइ निरूत्तर॥ ४ ॥

भए प्रकट चित्रगुप्त सहाई।
धर्माधर्म गुण ज्ञान कराई॥

राचेउ धरम धरम जग मांही।
धर्म अवतार लेत तुम पांही॥

अहम विवेकइ तुमहि विधाता।
निज सत्ता पा करहिं कुघाता॥

श्रष्टि संतुलन के तुम स्वामी।
त्रय देवन कर शक्ति समानी॥ ८ ॥

पाप मृत्यु जग में तुम लाए।
भयका भूत सकल जग छाए॥

महाकाल के तुम हो साक्षी।
ब्रम्हउ मरन न जान मीनाक्षी॥

धर्म कृष्ण तुम जग उपजायो।
कर्म क्षेत्र गुण ज्ञान करायो॥

राम धर्म हित जग पगु धारे।
मानवगुण सदगुण अति प्यारे॥ १२ ॥

विष्णु चक्र पर तुमहि विराजें।
पालन धर्म करम शुचि साजे॥

महादेव के तुम त्रय लोचन।
प्रेरकशिव अस ताण्डव नर्तन॥

सावित्री पर कृपा निराली।
विद्यानिधि माँ सब जग आली॥

रमा भाल पर कर अति दाया।
श्रीनिधि अगम अकूत अगाया॥ २० ॥

ऊमा विच शक्ति शुचि राच्यो।
जाकेबिन शिव शव जग बाच्यो॥

गुरू बृहस्पति सुर पति नाथा।
जाके कर्म गहइ तव हाथा॥

रावण कंस सकल मतवारे।
तव प्रताप सब सरग सिधारे॥

प्रथम् पूज्य गणपति महदेवा।
सोउ करत तुम्हारी सेवा॥ २४ ॥

रिद्धि सिद्धि पाय द्वैनारी।
विघ्न हरण शुभ काज संवारी॥

व्यास चहइ रच वेद पुराना।
गणपति लिपिबध हितमन ठाना॥

पोथी मसि शुचि लेखनी दीन्हा।
असवर देय जगत कृत कीन्हा॥

लेखनि मसि सह कागद कोरा।
तव प्रताप अजु जगत मझोरा॥ २८ ॥

विद्या विनय पराक्रम भारी।
तुम आधार जगत आभारी॥

द्वादस पूत जगत अस लाए।
राशी चक्र आधार सुहाए॥

जस पूता तस राशि रचाना।
ज्योतिष केतुम जनक महाना॥

तिथी लगन होरा दिग्दर्शन।
चारि अष्ट चित्रांश सुदर्शन॥ ३२ ॥

राशी नखत जो जातक धारे।
धरम करम फल तुमहि अधारे॥

राम कृष्ण गुरूवर गृह जाई।
प्रथम गुरू महिमा गुण गाई॥

श्री गणेश तव बंदन कीना।
कर्म अकर्म तुमहि आधीना॥

देववृत जप तप वृत कीन्हा।
इच्छा मृत्यु परम वर दीन्हा॥ ३६ ॥

धर्महीन सौदास कुराजा।
तप तुम्हार बैकुण्ठ विराजा॥

हरि पद दीन्ह धर्म हरि नामा।
कायथ परिजन परम पितामा॥

शुर शुयशमा बन जामाता।
क्षत्रिय विप्र सकल आदाता॥

जय जय चित्रगुप्त गुसांई।
गुरूवर गुरू पद पाय सहाई॥ ४० ॥

जो शत पाठ करइ चालीसा।
जन्ममरण दुःख कटइ कलेसा॥

विनय करैं कुलदीप शुवेशा।
राख पिता सम नेह हमेशा॥

॥ दोहा ॥
ज्ञान कलम, मसि सरस्वती, अंबर है मसिपात्र।
कालचक्र की पुस्तिका, सदा रखे दंडास्त्र॥
पाप पुन्य लेखा करन, धार्यो चित्र स्वरूप।
श्रृष्टिसंतुलन स्वामीसदा, सरग नरक कर भूप॥

॥ इति श्री चित्रगुप्त चालीसा समाप्त॥

Importance of Chitragupta Chalisa

Chitragupta Chalisa is a devotional song with 40 verses that praises Lord Chitragupta. It is believed that reciting Chitragupta Chalisa destroys one’s sins and creates positive karmic records. This bhajan also inspires to live a just life and do good deeds throughout life.

Chalisa recitation and worship method

Chitragupta Puja is usually performed on Dwitiya of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month, which is also known as Yama Dwitiya or Bhai Dooj. There is also a tradition of worshiping pen and inkpot on this day.

Here is the simple way to worship with Chitragupta Chalisa:

  1. Take bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Install a picture or idol of Lord Chitragupta ji on a post.
  3. Offer incense, lamp, roli, akshat, flowers and fruits.
  4. Recite Chitragupta Chalisa.
  5. Finally, perform aarti of Chitragupta ji and distribute prasad.

Benefits of Chitragupta Chalisa

  • Helpful in the path of mental peace and salvation
  • Gives strength to face difficult situations.
  • Inspires to do good deeds and stay away from bad thoughts.
  • Virtues develop.
  • Brings discipline and morality in life.

Story related to Lord Chitragupta

According to Hindu Puranas, a Brahmin and his wife were childless for many years, for this they performed severe penance to Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma was pleased and gave him the boon of having a son but also said that this son would live only for 14 years. The son was named Chitragupta and with time he started growing up. When he reached the age of 14, one day Yamdoot came to take him. Chitragupta asked him to spare some time to worship Lord Chitragupta. Hearing this, Yamdoot went to Lord Chitragupta and told him the whole incident. Chitragupta increased the life of that child with his writing. In this way Chitragupta ji became the god of accounts of death.

Experiences of Devotees

Many devotees have shared positive experiences of Chitragupta puja and Chalisa recitation. Some of them claim that regular chanting of this prayer has brought positive changes in their lives. They experience increased self-confidence and mental strength to overcome difficulties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When is Chitragupta Jayanti celebrated? Answer: Second date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month.
  2. What is the best time for Chitragupta Puja? Answer: Morning (Brahma Muhurta).
  3. What is offered to Chitragupta? Answer: Roli, Akshat, incense, lamp, flowers, fruits, sweets, pen and medicine.
  4. Can I read Chitragupta Chalisa daily? Answer: Yes, daily recitation is considered highly beneficial.


Dear friends, life revolves around uncertainties, but Chitragupta Chalisa reminds us that every action of ours has an account. It inspires us to follow the path of integrity, justice and compassion. By adopting this divine prayer regularly we can invite spiritual growth and positivity into our lives.

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