Ekadashi Mata Aarti: A sacred confluence of devotion and faith

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Ekadashi Mata ki Aarti


Let us talk today about Ekadashi, a very important fast of Hindu religion. Aarti dedicated to Ekadashi Mata is a devotional song that highlights the importance and spiritual power of this holy fast. Come, let us know in depth about the Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti, the story related to this fast, and the method of its worship.

Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti

ॐ जय एकादशी, जय एकादशी, जय एकादशी माता।
विष्णु पूजा व्रत को धारण कर, शक्ति मुक्ति पाता॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥
तेरे नाम गिनाऊं देवी, भक्ति प्रदान करनी।
गण गौरव की देनी माता, शास्त्रों में वरनी॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

मार्गशीर्ष के कृष्णपक्ष की उत्पन्ना, विश्वतारनी जन्मी।
शुक्ल पक्ष में हुई मोक्षदा, मुक्तिदाता बन आई॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

पौष के कृष्णपक्ष की, सफला नामक है।
शुक्लपक्ष में होय पुत्रदा, आनन्द अधिक रहै॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

नाम षटतिला माघ मास में, कृष्णपक्ष आवै।
शुक्लपक्ष में जया, कहावै, विजय सदा पावै॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

विजया फागुन कृष्णपक्ष में शुक्ला आमलकी।
पापमोचनी कृष्ण पक्ष में, चैत्र महाबलि की॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

चैत्र शुक्ल में नाम कामदा, धन देने वाली।
नाम बरुथिनी कृष्णपक्ष में, वैसाख माह वाली॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

शुक्ल पक्ष में होय मोहिनी अपरा ज्येष्ठ कृष्णपक्षी।
नाम निर्जला सब सुख करनी, शुक्लपक्ष रखी॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

योगिनी नाम आषाढ में जानों, कृष्णपक्ष करनी।
देवशयनी नाम कहायो, शुक्लपक्ष धरनी॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

कामिका श्रावण मास में आवै, कृष्णपक्ष कहिए।
श्रावण शुक्ला होय पवित्रा आनन्द से रहिए॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

अजा भाद्रपद कृष्णपक्ष की, परिवर्तिनी शुक्ला।
इन्द्रा आश्चिन कृष्णपक्ष में, व्रत से भवसागर निकला॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

पापांकुशा है शुक्ल पक्ष में, आप हरनहारी।
रमा मास कार्तिक में आवै, सुखदायक भारी॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

देवोत्थानी शुक्लपक्ष की, दुखनाशक मैया।
पावन मास में करूं विनती पार करो नैया॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

परमा कृष्णपक्ष में होती, जन मंगल करनी।
शुक्ल मास में होय पद्मिनी दुख दारिद्र हरनी॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

जो कोई आरती एकादशी की, भक्ति सहित गावै।
जन गुरदिता स्वर्ग का वासा, निश्चय वह पावै॥
ॐ जय एकादशी…॥

Story of Ekadashi Mata/ Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti

According to an ancient legend, Ekadashi Mata was born from the radiance of Lord Vishnu. Troubled by the atrocities of the demon Mur, the gods took refuge in Lord Vishnu. A fierce war began between Lord Vishnu and the demon Mur. From the energy emanating from this war, a girl appeared, who killed the demon Mur. This girl was called Ekadashi Mata. Pleased, Lord Vishnu gave a boon to Ekadashi Mata and said that whoever observes the fast on Ekadashi, all his sins will be removed.

Importance of Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti

In religious texts, the fast of Ekadashi has been described as the best. By observing this fast in the right manner, all the wishes are fulfilled, worldly pleasures are attained and ultimately one also attains the supreme abode.

Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti worship method

  • On the day of Ekadashi, wake up early in the morning, take bath and wear clean clothes.
  • Spread a yellow cloth on a stool in front of the idol of Lord Vishnu in the home temple.
  • Install the idol or picture of Lord Vishnu and anoint it with Panchamrit.
  • Offer yellow flowers, basil leaves, incense, lamp, prasad etc. to God.
  • Read the story of Ekadashi fast and do the aarti of Ekadashi Mata.
  • If possible, keep fast for the whole day. There is a tradition of eating fruits.
  • At night, do hymns and kirtans of God and stay awake.
  • Next day on Dwadashi, take food only after feeding the Brahmin.

Some benefits related to Ekadashivrat

  • There is purification of mind, body and soul.
  • The digestive system gets relief
  • The will becomes stronger, and self-control increases.
  • Spiritual progress occurs.

Stories of devotees related to Ekadashi fast

There are many stories which show the glory of Ekadashi fast. One such story is of King Mandhata. Mandhata was a glorious and religious king. Once he unknowingly insulted a sage on the day of Ekadashi fast, due to whose curse he lost his kingdom and family. On the advice of Lord Vishnu, the king observed the fast of Putravati Ekadashi and got free from all his sins and regained his lost kingdom.

Questions related to Ekadashi fast (FAQs)

  • When to start Ekadashi fast? The best thing is that you can start Ekadashi fast at any auspicious time. Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha is considered better for those who are observing this fast for the first time.
  • What can be eaten during Ekadashi fast? In this, food is completely abandoned. You can use fresh fruits, sago, water chestnut or buckwheat flour etc. as snacks.
  • Who should not observe Ekadashi fast? People suffering from serious illness, elderly people, or physically challenged people should avoid complete fasting. Such people can attain the virtue of Ekadashi by eating fruits.
  • At what time is Ekadashi Parana performed? Parana of Ekadashi is done after sunrise on Dwadashi date.

Different names of Ekadashi fast

All Ekadashis of Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha have different names and their results are also different. Some of the major Ekadashis are:

  • Mohini Ekadashi: (Chaitra month, Shukla Paksha)
  • Apara Ekadashi: (Jyestha month, Krishna Paksha)
  • Nirjala Ekadashi: (Jyestha month, Shukla Paksha)
  • Kamika Ekadashi: (Shravan month, Krishna Paksha)
  • Padmini Ekadashi: (Adhikamas/Purushottam month, Shukla Paksha)
  • Papankusha Ekadashi: (Ashwin month, Krishna Paksha)
  • Utpanna Ekadashi: (Margashirsha month, Krishna Paksha)
  • Mokshada Ekadashi: (Margashirsha month, Shukla Paksha)


Dear readers, the Ekadashi Mata Ki Aarti and fast of Ekadashi Mata have immense importance in Hindu religion. This fast leads a person to spiritual growth, peace, and happiness and prosperity in life. I hope this article has been informative for you. If you have any further questions, please do ask in the comments section.

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