Gaumata Aarti: The path of purity, prosperity and divine grace

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Gaumata Aarti


Greetings friends! In our Indian culture, the cow has the status of ‘Gaumata’ – a revered and divine mother figure. Gaumata Aarti is a unique symbol of faith and reverence, which gives us an opportunity to express respect and gratitude towards the cow. Today, let us understand the importance of Gaumata Aarti, learn its method, and learn about the immense benefits it provides.

In Hinduism, Gaumata is considered a symbol of purity, compassion and selflessness. It is believed that 33 crore gods and goddesses reside in the cow. Cow service is considered an extremely virtuous act, inviting prosperity, spiritual growth and divine grace.

Gaumata Aarti (Hindi)

श्री गौमता जी की आरती
आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

अर्थकाम सद्धर्म प्रदायिनि,
अविचल अमल मुक्तिपददायिनि ।
सुर मानव सौभाग्य विधायिनि,
प्यारी पूज्य नंद छैय्या की ॥

आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

अख़िल विश्‍व प्रतिपालिनी माता,
मधुर अमिय दुग्धान्न प्रदाता ।
रोग शोक संकट परित्राता,
भवसागर हित दृढ़ नैय्या की ॥

आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

आयु ओज आरोग्य विकाशिनि,
दुख दैन्य दारिद्रय विनाशिनि ।
सुष्मा सौख्य समृद्धि प्रकाशिनि,
विमल विवेक बुद्धि दैय्या की ॥

आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

सेवक जो चाहे दुखदाई,
सम पय सुधा पियावति माई ।
शत्रु मित्र सबको दुखदायी,
स्नेह स्वभाव विश्‍व जैय्या की ॥

आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

आरती श्री गैय्या मैंय्या की,
*आरती हरनि विश्‍व धैय्या की ॥

Importance of aarti

Gaumata Aarti is an expression of gratitude and devotion. It holds special importance for the following reasons:

  • Divine Blessings:  Performing Gaumata Aarti brings blessings of Gods and Goddesses and brings happiness and prosperity in life.
  • Removal of negativity:  The auspicious sounds of Gaumata Aarti drive away negative energy and attract positivity.
  • Spiritual progress:  Aarti sung with devotion calms the mind, which helps in spiritual practice.
  • Environment Protection:  Worshiping Gaumata reminds us of our traditional values ​​of environmental protection.

Worship method of Gaumata Aarti

Materials required for Gaumata Aarti:

  • picture or statue of mother cow
  • incense, lamp, camphor
  • Pushp, Akshat (Whole Rice), Roli
  • Pure water, Ganga water (if available)
  • Naivedya (sweets or fruits)


  1. Take bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Install a stool in front of the idol or picture of a cow.
  3. Light a lamp, perform aarti with incense and camphor.
  4. Offer flowers, Akshat, Roli to Gaumata.
  5. Sprinkle pure water or Ganga water and offer naivedya.
  6. Sing Gaumata Aarti with devotion.
  7. After Aarti, do Parikrama and take Prasad.

Other mantras

Most of the people also chant special mantras related to Gaumata along with Gaumata Aarti. Here are some popular mantras:

  • Gayatri Mantra:  A universal mantra dedicated to Almighty God.
  • Gaumata Mantra  “Om Sarve Deva Gomate Rakshantu” (Means: May all gods protect Gaumata)

Stories related to Gaumata Aarti

Many interesting stories related to Gaumata are found in mythology. Here are some famous stories:

  • Story of Kamdhenu:  Kamdhenu, the wish-fulfilling divine cow, who appeared during the churning of the ocean.
  • Krishna and Cow Worship:  Lord Krishna loved cows very much and is often called Gopal (protector of cows).

Benefits of aarti

There are innumerable benefits of Gau mata Aarti. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Fulfillment of wishes:  By the grace of Gaumata, wishes made with a true heart are fulfilled.
  • Arrival of happiness and prosperity:  This ritual brings wealth, health and overall well-being in life.
  • Spiritual Purification:  Regular practice of Gau mata Aarti leads to inner peace and spiritual progress.
  • Family Unity:  This ritual promotes harmony, love and unity in the family.


  • What is the best time to perform Gaumata Aarti?  Morning and evening are considered the ideal time to perform Aarti.
  • Can I perform Gaum ata Aarti at home?  Yes! Gau mata Aarti can be performed at home itself.
  • What if Gaumata idol is not available?  You can also perform aarti in front of the picture of Gaumata. Emotion is most important.


Friends, Gaumata Aarti is not just a ritual; It is a means of sowing the seeds of compassion, gratitude and divinity within us. Let us embrace the essence of Gaumata Aarti and make our lives full of blessings. Jai Gaumata!

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