Maa Brahmacharini: Goddess of penance and dedication – know the story, worship method and mantra.

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maa brahmacharini


Goddess Brahmacharini bestows the blessings of penance, renunciation, renunciation and virtue on her devotees. Let us know about their detailed story, worship method, and mantra and the benefits obtained from it.

Who is Mother Brahmacharini?

Mother Brahmacharini is the second and unmarried form of Goddess Durga. ‘Brahma’ means penance and ‘Charini’ means one who conducts. This form of the Goddess inspires us to have unwavering devotion and determination.

Story of Mother Brahmacharini (detailed description)

  • Inspiration from previous birth:  It is believed that Mother Brahmacharini had done penance in her previous birth to get Lord Shiva as her husband, but she did not get success then. She decided that in this life she would do even more rigorous penance.
  • Daughter of Himalayaraja:  The goddess was born as Parvati in the house of Himalayaraja. Devarshi Narad told Parvati ji that to get Lord Shiva, she would have to do hard penance.
  • Years of penance:  Parvati ji was determined to get Lord Shiva as her husband. First of all, he meditated for thousands of years by eating only fruits and flowers. After this he spent several hundred years eating only Bilva leaves that fell on the ground. Then, she also gave up water and for many years she sustained her life with the help of a leaf, hence later she was also known by the name ‘Aparna’.
  • Agni Pariksha:  All the Gods and Goddesses became worried due to his penance. To test Parvati ji, Lord Shiva came to Parvati in the form of an old Brahmin and tried to dissuade her from Shiva by saying various things, but Parvati ji’s mind was not disturbed.
  • Acceptance of Lord Shiva:  Ultimately, Lord Shiva was very pleased to see her steadfast love and devotion. He assumed his true form and accepted Parvati ji as his wife.

Symbolism of Mother Brahmacharini form

  • Simplicity and goodness:  Mother’s white clothes, bare feet and simple form are symbols of sacrifice, simplicity and goodness.
  • Concentration and Restraint:  The rosary in his hand shows the importance of concentration and meditating in devotion. Kamandal is a symbol of purification and spiritual development through water.
  • Unbreakable determination:  The form of Maa Brahmacharini inspires us to have complete dedication towards our goal and not to give up under any circumstances.

Puja Material

The following materials are required for the worship of Maa Brahmacharini:

1. Idol or picture: The idol or picture of Maa Brahmacharini is essential for worship.

2. Flowers: White or yellow flowers, such as jasmine, rose, or lotus, are offered to Maa Brahmacharini.

3. Incense and lamp: The Goddess is pleased by lighting incense and lamp.

4. Roli, Akshat, and Sindoor: Roli, Akshat, and Sindoor are offered to the Goddess.

5. Honey: Honey is offered to the Goddess as a sweet.

6. Sugar: Sugar is also offered as sweets to the Goddess.

7. Kamalgatta: Kamalgatta is offered to please the Goddess.

8. Fruits: Various types of fruits are offered to the Goddess as offerings.

9. Naivedya: Naivedya is offered to the Goddess in the form of food. Naivedya may include kheer, halwa, or other sweets.

10. Paan: Paan is offered to the Goddess.

11. Betel nut: Betel nut is offered to the Goddess.

12. Dakshina: Dakshina is given as charity to the Goddess.

13. Clothes: White or yellow colored clothes are offered to the Goddess.

14. Jewellery: Jewelery can also be offered to the Goddess.

15. Chanting Mala: Chanting Mala is used for worshiping the Goddess.

Maa Brahmacharini Worshipping Method

Brahmacharini Devi is worshiped on the second day of Navratri.

  • First of all, bathe Goddess Brahmacharini and dress her.
  • Offer them Roli, Akshat, Sindoor.
  • Worship him with devotion with white flowers, incense, lamp, fruits, naivedya etc.
  • Recite Brahmacharini Mantra and Aarti.
  • Sugar and other white sweets are specially offered as Prasad to the Goddess.

Maa Brahmacharini Mantra

“Om Devi Brahmacharinya Namah”

That is,  we all salute the Supreme Goddess Brahmacharini who has the form of Omkar.

Blessings received from Maa Brahmacharini

  • The Goddess increases penance, sacrifice, restraint and virtue in the devotees.
  • Mother Brahmacharini blesses her worshipers with long life and health.
  • With this power the devotees get courage to face the difficult situations of life.
  • It is believed that devotion to Brahmacharini awakens a person’s Kundalini Shakti.

Experiences of Devotees

The devotees of Maa Brahmacharini have had many types of experiences. Some devotees have said that the goddess has brought them out of difficult situations. Other devotees have reported that the goddess has granted them knowledge and strength. Some devotees have said that the goddess has fulfilled their wishes.

Here are the experiences of some devotees:

  • A devotee told that  he was not able to marry for many years. He started worshiping Mother Brahmacharini and within a few months he got married.
  • Another devotee told that  he had failed in an examination. He started worshiping Maa Brahmacharini and next time he passed the examination.
  • A third devotee said that  he was suffering from a serious illness. He started worshiping Maa Brahmacharini and within a few months he completely recovered.

These are just a few examples. Devotees of Maa Brahmacharini have also had many other types of experiences.

Disclaimer: It is important to note that these are the experiences of only a few devotees. Not all devotees have the same experiences.

Second day of Navratri: Brahmacharini worship

On this day during Navratri, devotees should worship this form of Goddess Durga. This fast is especially beneficial for those who wish to awaken the Kundalini Shakti. Let us all surrender our hearts at the feet of Mother Brahmacharini and receive her blessings.

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