Maa Skandamata: Goddess of motherhood and bravery – story, worship method, mantra, and blessings

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maa Skandmata - मां स्कंदमाता


Skandamata form of Maa Durga is worshiped on the fifth day of the holy festival of Navratri. Goddess Skandamata is the epitome of love and courage. Being the mother of Lord Kartikeya (also known as ‘Skanda’), she is known by the name ‘Skandamata’. Come, let us know about the story of Mother Skandmata, the worship method, mantra, and the blessings received from her.

Who is Maa Skandamata?

Mother Skandamata is a form of Goddess Durga. According to Shiva Purana, Kartikeya, son of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati, was the commander of the gods. He freed the gods from the tyranny of the demon named Tarakasura.

Story of Maa Skandamata – Video

Story of Maa Skandamata: End of Tarakasura

  • Atrocities of Tarakasura: It is described in mythology that a powerful demon named Tarakasura had pleased Lord Brahma with his penance. He received the boon that his death could happen only at the hands of Lord Shiva’s son. Empowered by this power, Tarakasura took over the kingdom of the gods and started torturing them.
  • Marriage of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati: The distressed deity went to Lord Shiva and prayed for freedom from Tarakasura. The killing of Tarakasura was possible only at the hands of Lord Shiva’s son, hence the gods made efforts for the union of Shiva and Parvati. With the help of Kamadeva, Goddess Parvati pleased Lord Shiva and married him.
  • Birth of Kartikeya: Kartikeya (Skanda), son of Shiva-Parvati, was born. Kartikeya was trained by the gods in the art of war and became the commander of the Devasena.
  • Killing of Tarakasura: There was a fierce battle between Kartikeya and Takarasura. On the strength of his strength and fighting skills, Kartikeya defeated Tarakasura and killed him. Thus, the gods were freed from the tyranny of the demon.
  • Form of Maa Skandamata: Parvati ji took the form of Skandamata while going to fight with Kartikeya. She was seated on a lion, with child Karthikeya in her lap, who was moving forward for war.

Maa Skandamata and devotees

The story of Skandmata gives us the message that the one who follows the path of courage and righteousness always wins. The Goddess also takes special care of those devotees who show fearlessness and courage in their lives.

Form of Maa Skandamata

Maa Skandamata sits on a lotus seat and has four arms. She holds a lotus flower in her two upper arms, in one of the lower arms Lord Skanda (Kartikeya) sits in her lap in child form, and the fourth arm is in a posture of blessing the devotees. The lion is his conveyance. Mother Skandmata’s form is gentle and full of affection.

Pujan Samagri Needed

The following materials are required for the worship of Maa Skandamata:

1. Idol or picture: The idol or picture of Mother Skandamata is essential for worship.

2. Flowers: Red or pink colored flowers, such as rose, lotus, or jasmine, are offered to Mother Skandamata.

3. Incense and lamp: The Goddess is pleased by lighting incense and lamp.

4. Roli, Akshat, and Sindoor: Roli, Akshat, and Sindoor are offered to the Goddess.

5. Fruits: Various types of fruits are offered to the Goddess as offerings.

6. Naivedya: Naivedya is offered to the Goddess in the form of food. Naivedya may include kheer, halwa, or other sweets.

7. Paan: Paan is offered to the Goddess.

8. Betel nut: Betel nut is offered to the Goddess.

9. Dakshina: Dakshina is given as charity to the Goddess.

10. Clothes: Red or pink colored clothes are offered to the Goddess.

11. Jewellery: Jewelery can also be offered to the Goddess.

12. Chanting Mala: Chanting Mala is used for worshiping the Goddess.

Maa Skandamata worship method

Maa Skandamata is worshiped on the fifth day of Navratri.

  • First of all, bathe Goddess Skandamata and dress her.
  • Offer them Roli, Akshat, Sindoor.
  • Worship him with devotion with banana, incense, lamp, fruits, naivedya etc.
  • Recite Skandmata Mantra and Aarti.

Maa Skandamata Mantra

Come, let us know the special mantra of worshiping Maa-

Om Devi Skanda Matayai Namah:

That is,  I repeatedly salute at the feet of Maa Skandha Mata in the form of Omkar, who fulfills all the wishes of her devotees in a moment.

Blessings of Maa Skandamata

  • The Goddess removes all the sorrows and sufferings of the devotees.
  • Devotion to Mother Skandamata leads to happiness, peace and prosperity.
  • The Goddess fulfills the wishes of the devotees and grants them salvation.
  • Those people in whose horoscope the Sun planet is weak are especially benefited.

The devotees of Mother Skandamata have had many types of experiences. Some devotees have said that the goddess has brought them out of difficult situations. Other devotees have reported that the goddess has granted them knowledge and strength. Some devotees have said that the goddess has fulfilled their wishes.

Here are the experiences of some devotees:

  • A devotee told that  he had been trying to have a child for many years. He started worshiping Mother Skandamata and within a few months his wife became pregnant.
  • Another devotee told that  he had failed in an examination. He started worshiping Mother Skandmata and next time he got success in the examination.
  • A third devotee said that  he was suffering from a serious illness. He started worshiping Mother Skandamata and within a few months he completely recovered.

On this day during Navratri, devotees should worship this form of Goddess Durga so that Mother blesses them with love and courage. Let us all offer our devotion at the feet of Mother Skandamata today.

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