Mahagauri incarnation of Maa Durga: Goddess of strength, purity, and compassion

पर user द्वारा प्रकाशित

Hello Friends! As soon as we hear the name of Shakti, the first form that comes to our mind is Maa Durga. She is an example of inner strength and kindness. 

On the eighth day of Navratri, we celebrate the holy presence of ‘Maha Gauri’, one of the most peaceful and merciful forms of Goddess Durga. His attractive white color is a symbol of his immense love for his devotees. 

Today on this auspicious day, let us know about the nature of Maa Mahagauri, her importance and the blessings we get from her.

“Mahagauri” – Meaning Of The Name

Goddess Parvati is also known as “Gauri”. Once, Lord Shiva jokingly commented on the complexion of Mother Parvati, due to which the Goddess felt bad. She went to the forest to perform rigorous penance to regain her divine body. Lord Shiva was pleased with his steadfast dedication and restored him to his beautiful fair form. Since then she was called ‘Maha Gauri’ i.e. ‘very beautiful and fair’.

Form of Mahagauri

Maa Mahagauri is depicted with four arms, white clothes and a calm, compassionate posture. He has a trident and a damru in his hands, and the other two hands are in Abhaya and Varada mudra. She rides on a white bull, which also symbolizes purity and the path of righteousness.

Worship Material

  • Statue or picture of Mahagauri.
  • Chowki (small puja platform)
  • White clothes (for Mahagauri Devi and Chowki)
  • kumkum and turmeric
  • Flowers (seasonal flowers like roses, marigolds, or jasmine)
  • Betel leaves and betel nuts
  • Akshat (unbroken rice)
  • incense sticks and incense sticks
  • lamp and pure oil
  • Coconut
  • pure water
  • sweets or fruits

Ritual of Worship

  1. Wake up early in the morning, take bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Install the idol or picture of Maa Mahagauri on a post. Offer them flowers, sandalwood, incense sticks and light a lamp in front of them.
  3. Invoke Goddess Mahagauri in your heart and place of worship.
  4. Do some pranayam (if you know).
  5. Resolve to worship with a clear mind.
  6. Worship the Mahagauri form of Maa Durga with the Shodashopachar method.
  7. Chant Mahagauri Mantra or sing bhajan dedicated to Maa Mahagauri.
  8. Perform Aarti of Mahagauri.
  9. Offer food to Maa Mahagauri and later distribute the prasad.

Mahagauri Mantra

Om Devi Mahagauriai Namah.

Power of Mahagauri Mantra

The mantra of Maa Mahagauri is considered very powerful. By chanting this mantra regularly, a person can get the following benefits:

  • Gives peace to mind:  Mantra of Maa Mahagauri can provide you peace of mind.
  • Fulfillment of wishes:  With the effect of this mantra, the wishes of the devotees can be fulfilled.
  • Destruction of negative energy:  Mantra of Maa Mahagauri also protects you from negativity and unwanted energy.
  • Spiritual Growth:  Reciting the mantra with a true heart can help you in your spiritual journey.

Importance of Worshiping Mahagauri

Devotees receive wonderful blessings by worshiping Maa Mahagauri:

  • Freedom from sins:  Mahagauri ji forgives all the past, present and future sins of her devotees. She has immense power to purify the devotees.
  • Wish Fulfillment:  Prayers made with a true heart to Mother Mahagauri are definitely fulfilled. She removes all the obstacles and troubles from the life of the devotees.
  • Blessing of happy married life:  By worshiping Mother Mahagauri, unmarried girls can get their desired life partner and marital happiness.

Story of Mother Mahagauri

According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Parvati deeply desired to have Lord Shiva as her husband. To achieve this goal, he began an extremely rigorous penance in the Himalayas. For years, he gave up food and water and his body began to turn black due to the intensity of the penance.

One day, Lord Shiva was pleased with his penance and appeared before him. Impressed by Parvati’s unwavering devotion, he decided to accept her as his wife.

However, seeing Parvati’s body blackened due to penance, Lord Shiva decided to purify her. He washed the body of Mother Parvati with the water of the holy Ganga, due to which her skin changed from black to a glowing fair complexion. In this form, Parvati became famous by the name of ‘Maha Gauri’, which means “extremely fair”.

Maa Mahagauri is a symbol of purity, simplicity and spiritual development. He is worshiped to remove obstacles, forgive sins and find inner peace. It is believed that devotion to Mahagauri leads to supernatural achievements and brings positivity in life.

User Story

Sheela had been interested in marriage for many years, but was unable to find the right partner. Disappointed, he took refuge in Mother Mahagauri. She wholeheartedly worshiped Goddess Mahagauri during Navratri and prayed to her that she would soon get married to a good man. Within a few months, she met a suitable match and they were soon married. Sheela believes that all this was possible only with the blessings of Mother Mahagauri.

Finally, I would like to say something…

Friends! Mother Mahagauri purifies our mind and illuminates our path. Come, on this auspicious occasion of Navratri, let us give up the evils residing in our hearts and purify our minds with the blessings of Mother Mahagauri.

May Mother Mahagauri bless us all! Hail mother Goddess!

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