Shri Narmada Chalisa: Be blessed by praising the holy river

पर purva gudekar द्वारा प्रकाशित

Narmada Chalisa


Hello Friends! Narmada River is one of the sacred rivers of India. It is also known as ‘Reva’. The sacred water of Mother Narmada is considered like nectar, and ‘Shri Narmada Chalisa’ is a praise of her glory. Do you want to know about the importance of this Chalisa and the benefits of reading it? So let’s delve deeper into this wonderful psalm.

According to Hindu mythology, Mother Narmada was born from a sacred drop from the body of Lord Shiva. That’s why he is also called ‘Shankari’. It is believed that every sin is washed away just by seeing Mother Narmada. This river originates from Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh and flows through the entire state and joins the Arabian Sea in Gujarat.

Shri Narmada Chalisa

॥ दोहा॥
देवि पूजित, नर्मदा,
महिमा बड़ी अपार ।
चालीसा वर्णन करत,
कवि अरु भक्त उदार॥इनकी सेवा से सदा,
मिटते पाप महान ।
तट पर कर जप दान नर,
पाते हैं नित ज्ञान ॥

॥ चौपाई ॥
जय-जय-जय नर्मदा भवानी,
तुम्हरी महिमा सब जग जानी ।

अमरकण्ठ से निकली माता,
सर्व सिद्धि नव निधि की दाता ।

कन्या रूप सकल गुण खानी,
जब प्रकटीं नर्मदा भवानी ।

सप्तमी सुर्य मकर रविवारा,
अश्वनि माघ मास अवतारा ॥4

वाहन मकर आपको साजैं,
कमल पुष्प पर आप विराजैं ।

ब्रह्मा हरि हर तुमको ध्यावैं,
तब ही मनवांछित फल पावैं ।

दर्शन करत पाप कटि जाते,
कोटि भक्त गण नित्य नहाते ।

जो नर तुमको नित ही ध्यावै,
वह नर रुद्र लोक को जावैं ॥8

मगरमच्छा तुम में सुख पावैं,
अंतिम समय परमपद पावैं ।

मस्तक मुकुट सदा ही साजैं,
पांव पैंजनी नित ही राजैं ।

कल-कल ध्वनि करती हो माता,
पाप ताप हरती हो माता ।

पूरब से पश्चिम की ओरा,
बहतीं माता नाचत मोरा ॥12

शौनक ऋषि तुम्हरौ गुण गावैं,
सूत आदि तुम्हरौं यश गावैं ।

शिव गणेश भी तेरे गुण गवैं,
सकल देव गण तुमको ध्यावैं ।

कोटि तीर्थ नर्मदा किनारे,
ये सब कहलाते दु:ख हारे ।

मनोकमना पूरण करती,
सर्व दु:ख माँ नित ही हरतीं ॥16

कनखल में गंगा की महिमा,
कुरुक्षेत्र में सरस्वती महिमा ।

पर नर्मदा ग्राम जंगल में,
नित रहती माता मंगल में ।

एक बार कर के स्नाना,
तरत पिढ़ी है नर नारा ।

मेकल कन्या तुम ही रेवा,
तुम्हरी भजन करें नित देवा ॥20

जटा शंकरी नाम तुम्हारा,
तुमने कोटि जनों को है तारा ।

समोद्भवा नर्मदा तुम हो,
पाप मोचनी रेवा तुम हो ।

तुम्हरी महिमा कहि नहीं जाई,
करत न बनती मातु बड़ाई ।

जल प्रताप तुममें अति माता,
जो रमणीय तथा सुख दाता ॥24

चाल सर्पिणी सम है तुम्हारी,
महिमा अति अपार है तुम्हारी ।

तुम में पड़ी अस्थि भी भारी,
छुवत पाषाण होत वर वारि ।

यमुना मे जो मनुज नहाता,
सात दिनों में वह फल पाता ।

सरस्वती तीन दीनों में देती,
गंगा तुरत बाद हीं देती ॥28

पर रेवा का दर्शन करके
मानव फल पाता मन भर के ।

तुम्हरी महिमा है अति भारी,
जिसको गाते हैं नर-नारी ।

जो नर तुम में नित्य नहाता,
रुद्र लोक मे पूजा जाता ।

जड़ी बूटियां तट पर राजें,
मोहक दृश्य सदा हीं साजें ॥32

वायु सुगंधित चलती तीरा,
जो हरती नर तन की पीरा ।

घाट-घाट की महिमा भारी,
कवि भी गा नहिं सकते सारी ।

नहिं जानूँ मैं तुम्हरी पूजा,
और सहारा नहीं मम दूजा ।

हो प्रसन्न ऊपर मम माता,
तुम ही मातु मोक्ष की दाता ॥35

जो मानव यह नित है पढ़ता,
उसका मान सदा ही बढ़ता ।

जो शत बार इसे है गाता,
वह विद्या धन दौलत पाता ।

अगणित बार पढ़ै जो कोई,
पूरण मनोकामना होई ।

सबके उर में बसत नर्मदा,
यहां वहां सर्वत्र नर्मदा ॥40

॥ दोहा ॥
भक्ति भाव उर आनि के,
जो करता है जाप ।

माता जी की कृपा से,
दूर होत संताप॥
॥ इति श्री नर्मदा चालीसा ॥

Importance of Shri Narmada Chalisa

Narmada Chalisa is a powerful hymn of forty verses that worships Goddess Narmada. There are many benefits of reading and reciting this Chalisa. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Washes away all your sins: Reading Narmada Chalisa with true devotion washes away all the sins of a person.
  • Fulfillment of wishes: It is believed that by reading this Chalisa, all the wishes of a person are fulfilled.
  • Brings happiness and peace: Chanting this Chalisa brings happiness and peace in your life.
  • Attainment of Moksha: This Chalisa of Narmada Mahima helps the devotees to attain moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

Narmada Chalisa recitation method

For optimum results Shri Narmada Chalisa should be recited in this manner:

  1. Purification: Take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  2. Place of worship: Clean your place of worship, and install a picture or idol of Maa Narmada.
  3. Materials: Gather some flowers, incense, lamp, and prasad (fruits or sweets).
  4. Resolve: Light the lamp and take a pledge to read Narmada Chalisa with a true heart.
  5. Lesson: Recite Chalisa with full devotion.
  6. Aarti: Perform Aarti after reciting Narmada Chalisa.
  7. Prasad Distribution: At the end distribute Prasad to everyone.

Benefits of Narmada Chalisa

Regular recitation of Shri Narmada Chalisa has countless benefits. Here are some of those key benefits:

  • Spiritual Growth: May this Chalisa guide you in your spiritual journey, raising your consciousness.
  • Protection from Negativity: This Chalisa is believed to protect you from negative energies and any kind of harm.
  • Material Prosperity: Regular recitation of this Chalisa opens the doors to wealth and material prosperity.
  • Good Health: Mother Narmada grants you good health and freedom from diseases.

Devotee stories related to Shri Narmada Chalisa

There are many devotee stories, which prove the power of Narmada Chalisa. Here is one such story:

Once upon a time there used to be a poor Brahmin. He was very devout but always struggled with financial constraints. One day he was told about Shri Narmada Chalisa. Desperate to change his situation he started reciting Chalisa regularly. Within a short time, his fortunes turned around, and he became a rich and prosperous man.

Shri Narmada Chalisa: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the best time to recite Shri Narmada Chalisa? It is considered ideal to recite Narmada Chalisa early in the morning or in the evening after taking bath.
  • Can I recite Shri Narmada Chalisa daily? Yes, you can read this Chalisa daily. Daily recitation provides maximum benefits.
  • What if I can’t remember all the verses of this Chalisa? do not worry! You can take help of a Chalisa booklet. It is more important to pay complete attention to the lesson. With time, you will memorize its verses easily.


Friends, as we discussed, Shri Narmada Chalisa is a very powerful prayer. If you recite it with full devotion and faith, Maa Narmada will definitely fulfill all your wishes.

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